Le persone che hanno partecipato

Katia Delneri

Katia Delneri

Katia is based in London and has over 14 years of experience in sales and business development in research and clinical markets.

Katia is currently the Senior Account Manager for Italy at UpToDate, Wolters Kluwer Health Group. In this role she is responsible for renewal institutional sales of UpToDate licenses to hospitals, private clinics and medical associations. In the past 2 years she was in charge of the renewal business in BeNeLux, Nordic, France, UK and Ireland.

Prior to joining Wolters Kluwer Health Group, Katia was a Consultant Account Manager at BD Bioscience. She was responsible for new business and the management of key clinical and research (life science) accounts. She worked closely with the EU headquarter business development manager to find in the clinical research market new patented products to purchase.

Prior to joining BD Bioscience, Katia worked at EURECNA where she worked in South Eastern Europe countries hiring consultants and creating teams to run reconstruction projects for Investments between EUR2 and EUR8 million, funded by the EuropAID.

In her earlier career Katia worked in the microbiology, biochemistry and chemical engineering departments at University of Oklahoma from January 1996 to February 2001.

Katia earned a B.A. & B.Sc. from University of Oklahoma in 1999.

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Evidence Based Medicine: il contrasto agli eccessi della medicina difensiva

Palazzo Lombardia | Milano, 11 Novembre, 2016 | 11:45

La medicina difensiva, secondo i più accreditati analisti, genera sovracosti a carico del SSN per almeno 10 miliardi di Euro all’anno: poco meno del 10% della spesa sanitaria complessiva.

Le tecnologie dell’informazione, e in particolar modo i «Clinical Decision Support System» possono diventare un formidabile alleato del medico, il quale può prendere decisioni cliniche con maggiore serenità validandole e potendo quindi dimostrare in sede di eventuale successivo contenzioso di aver agito in maniera conforme alla normativa («Legge Balduzzi»).