Le persone che hanno partecipato

Francesca Avolio

Francesca Avolio

Francesca comes from a legal background with specific competence in management and organization in the Healthcare Service. She is responsible of the Service for Health Internationalization and relations with EU.

As Manager of the “Accreditation, Quality, and Research" sector for the Puglia Regional Healthcare Agency in Italy, she supports senior management in procedures related to Health Service planning to guarantee the essential level of healthcare delivery. She is a Qualified Lead Auditor and responsible for the Quality Assessment of  healthcare delivery at a Regional level.

She is a member of the Regional Commission (Multi professional equipe) responsible for the implementation of the Integrated Chronic Care Model in Puglia, also known as the “Care Programme" and she is working on the definition of policies and strategies to tackle health inequalities.

She is  member of the Executive Bureau  of the Interregional Group on Health in the Committee of the Regions –in Bruxelles.

She is Committed to Action B3 in the EC initiative “EIP on AHA”, and following the governance approach the action Group has adopted to date, a member of the Coordination Group. After the adoption by the European Commission of the Action Plan on the 6th of November 2012, she was appointed as leader of the “Action Area 6 - Patient/user empowerment, health education and health promotion”.

Involved in 5 EU projects submitted under FP7 framework, CIP and Health programme, namely, Credits4health, Carewell, ASSEHS, SCIROCCO and a “Joint Action on Health Inequalities”.  Those projects all tackle relevant issues in the EU strategies and priorities in the field of health and wellbeing such as health promotion, management of chronic patients, ICT and sustainability of healthcare systems, Risk Stratification and Validation of tools to support assessment processes, and evaluation of impact, and Health inequalities

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Ha partecipato a:

WIFI Reference Site Puglia

Bari, 4 Maggio, 2017 | 14:30

Il Reference Site Puglia WI FI “Wealth and Innovation against aging Frailties and Illness” e tutti gli stakeholders coinvolti nel percorso ossia Istituzione, centri di ricerca Imprese e operatori sanitari e sociali, si confrontano con le Regioni Europee del Southern Denmark, Andalusia e NHS 24 Scotland a loro volta rappresentate per parte istituzionale e imprenditoriale.

Tali Regioni, anch’esse Reference Site ed ai quali la Commissione Europea ha riconosciuto 4 stelle (la Puglia si è attestata su 2 stelle) in funzione della maturità dei processi avviati sui temi dell’ageing potranno raccontare i percorsi intrapresi e reciprocamente proporre virtuose collaborazioni su temi specifici e di interesse. Si tratta di una vera e propria sessione di lavoro che vuole aprire un confronto virtuoso tra Regioni, creare opportunità di gemellaggio e scambio di conoscenze finalizzato ad accrescere la competitività del nostro territorio verso l’Europa.

La lingua ufficiale della sessione è l'inglese