Le persone che hanno partecipato

Paulo Carvalho

Paulo Carvalho

Is currently the Municipal Director of Economy and Innovation of Lisbon Municipality.

With a Phd in Management Sciences by the University; Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Graduated in Economy by ISEG/UTL, has a Master in Economy and Science and Technology Management by ISEG/UTL and a post-Graduation in Forecasting and strategy of Organizations by IESF - Instituto Superior de Estudos Financeiros e Fiscais.

He has over 12 years experience in national, regional forecasting and scenarios projects in organizations both public and private and has been working in several corporate consultant projects, as well as teaching, training and researching activities in the same areas.

Over the last few years has been conducting a series of activities of teaching and advanced training in the areas of Forecasting (by Planning Scenarios, Analysis of Trends and Horizon Scanning), Strategy, Innovation and Competitiveness, highlighting the design, coordination and Scientific teaching in Graduate Foresight, Strategy and Innovation in IDEFE / ISEG, the Advanced Training in Scenario Planning and Strategic Agility in IDEFE / ISEG, and designing and shared teaching in the Advanced Training Seminar Trends, Scenarios and Strategy (Scanning, Simulating and Acting) in INA - Instituto Nacional de Administração and the Module Prospective in Training Courses for Executives for Public Administration in the same Institute.

Between 2004 and 2008 served as Head of Division of the DPP Prospective Analysis - Forecasting and Planning Department (MAOTDR). Between 1999 and 2005 he was a facilitator and consultant for Planning Scenarios in over two dozen cases of sectorial scenario building. In 1997 and 1998 he was Operational Coordinator of the Economic and Forecasting Project Development of Skills and Training Needs Analysis in INOFOR.

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Ha partecipato a:

Meet the cities: i progetti delle più importanti città europee verso una human smart city / Meet the cities: the human-oriented projects of the most important European cities

Bologna, 30 Ottobre, 2012 | 10:00

Per questo evento è disponibile la traduzione Italiano/Inglese/Italiano - Italian/English/Italian translation is available for this event.

In che modo possono essere concepite delle "agende smart city" che facciano la differenza per cittadini e comunità? Qual é il ruolo che potrebbero giocare le tecnologie nel promuovere una trasformazione verso stili di vita più sostenibili?

Dieci città da tutta Europa presentano le loro esperienze e discutono insidie e lesson learnt nel progettare soluzioni smart dove i cittadini sono coinvolti e partecipano nello sviluppo e nella gestione di nuovi servizi.
La sessione si svolge con il format "Pecha Kucha" - una rapida sequenza di presentazioni di grande impatto della durata di cinque minuti - in modo da consentire una migliore comprensione delle variegate culture e approcci all'innovazione espressi nelle diverse realtà europee.
Nella discussione finale, le città coinvolte e il pubblico discutono e confrontano i loro problemi, strategie e soluzioni in una prospettiva di co-design che é quella che rende le città realmente smart.
How can we devise smart city agendas that make the difference for citizens and communities? What role can technologies play in promoting transformations towards more sustainable lifestyles?
Ten Cities from all over Europe present their smart experiences and discuss pitfalls and lessons learnt in designing smart solutions where people co-create and participate to develop and maintain new services.
A "Pecha Kucha" format, consisting of a rapid sequence of 5 minute presentations, will allow for a composite understanding of different approaches and cultures of urban innovation.
In the final discussion the cities will debate and compare their problems, strategies and solutions in a co-designing perspective that can be said to be what makes a City smart.