Le persone che hanno partecipato

Marc Lange

Marc Lange

Marc Lange has a Master in Law, option business and European Law. He is Secretary General of EHTEL (European Health Telematic Association) since 2005.

EHTEL is a European think-tank on eHealth in Europe, which gathers representatives of all those stakeholders, from everywhere in Europe, who are committed to deploy eHealth and Telemedicine services in the field. Thanks to his position in EHTEL, Marc Lange has a global understanding of the state of affairs in eHealth in Europe and beyond.

He is involved in European ICT projects for the public sector (i.e. social security, customs and indirect taxation, legal identity, health systems) since 1992 and has therefore a long experience in supporting EU Member States and the European Commission in coordinating the deployment of their national projects and in facilitating expert sharing of experience and good practices in a multi-disciplinary environment.

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Ha partecipato a:

Evidenze cliniche ed economiche dei miglioramenti prodotti dall'uso dell'IT: l'IT realmente riduce i costi e migliora la cura?

Palazzo dei Congressi EUR | Roma, 29 Maggio, 2013 | 11:30

L'innovazione digitale dei sistemi sanitari è un tema di stretta attualità. In Europa, gli investimenti sono in continua crescita e sono finalizzati ad ottenere servizi più efficienti ed efficaci, razionalizzando i costi sanitari. Durante questo workshop, saranno presentati i dati sugli investimenti IT nella sanità italiana e i dati saranno comparati con i corrispondenti investimenti europei. Case history italiane e internazionali racconteranno i risultati ottenuti attraverso l'uso crescente di IT nelle strutture sanitarie.

The use of IT systems in Healthcare is a very current theme. In Europe, investments in this area are continuously growing and are aimed in obtaining more efficient and effective services, rationalizing healthcare costs. During this Workshop, the Italian IT investments made in the health sector, compared with the corresponding European investments, will be analyzed. Italian and International case histories about the results obtained through the increasing use of IT in the healthcare sector will be presented.