Le persone che hanno partecipato

Teresa Boccia

Teresa Boccia

Teresa Boccia is Architect and Professor of “Urban Planning” and “Gender and Generations: times, sustainability and urban safety” at the Federico II University of Naples, Department of Architecture. She is member of the Board of the L.U.P.T., Interdepartmental Research Centre of the Federico II University, with mandate for Internationalisation and International Relations, gender perspective, cities’ times, city of differences, big events. Within the L.U.P.T. she is the Director of URBANIMA, the strategic Studies Centre of the L.U.P.T. which is dedicated to the topic of women and cities.

She is Member of AGGI, the Advisory Group on Gender Issues of the United Nations for the UN-Habitat Programme and she is Co-Coordinator of the HUB Gender in the ambit of UN-Universities action of UN-Habitat. She manages the field of gender policies and the fight against the social exclusion within the ambit of the Memorandum of Understanding between “The United Nations Human Settlements Programme” (UN-Habitat) and the L.U.P.T. and she leads the area of equal opportunities, international networks and information about gender topics in the Europe Direct LUPT Centre of the Federico II University of Naples, part of the Europe Direct Network of the European Commission. She is President of AFEM – Association of Women of South Europe (which gathers women associations in Italy, France, Greece, Spain and Portugal) and CA Member of Euromed ONG Platform. Visiting Professor at UPM – Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, she is Member of MC – Management Committee – of the COST Programme – European Cooperation in Science and Technology – within the Strategic Project “genderSTE” and member of EEP – External Experts Panel – in the same European Programme within the domain “Transport and Urban Development” (TUD). She is Member of Women and Cities International (Canada), she collaborates with Women and Shelter Network HIC – Habitat International Coalition, CISCSA (Cordoba University, Argentina) and she sits in the Scientific Committee of SUDD Foundation. She is editorial consultant of the L.U.P.T.’s ARTTIS Editorial Series, Director of the editorial series “Donne e Città” and Manager of International Relations and Member of the editorial committee of the TRIA Magazine.

As dialogue facilitator between women’s associations, grassroot associations, academia and institutions, Teresa Boccia has been member of several scientific committees and she has organised a high number of international conferences.

Author of several books and articles, coordinator of Italian and European “gender oriented” projects on the topics of times policy urban safety and sustainability, she has been panellist, moderator and speaker in several European and international events. Among the most recent events, she has been panellist within the World Urban Forum 6 of UN-Habitat in the Gender Equality Action Assembly in Naples, at the XXIV Governing Council at UN-Habitat in Nairobi, at the “Euromed Civil Forum on Gender Equality: outcomes and prospects of the Istanbul-Marrakech Process” in Bruxelles.

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Smart City Genere e Inclusione. L'intelligenza dei territori e le differenze

Bologna, 16 Ottobre, 2013 | 10:00

Citta' intelligenti e inclusive che integrano le differenze di genere, intrecciate agli altri assi di differenziazione sociale, nei processi di partecipazione, di ricerca, nei contenuti e nelle soluzioni tecnologiche per le Smart Cities e Smart Communities: queste le parole chiave di un evento che, dopo il successo della prima edizione a SCE 2012 (qui documentazione e vademecum), si pone l'intento di approfondire le singole aree tematiche, dare voce alle prime esperienze che stanno maturando sul campo e presentare in anteprima l'agenda di ricerca Europea che sara' lanciata nell'ambito di ICT Conference 2013 a Vilnius il prossimo Novembre.

L'evento e' a cura di "European Centre for Women and Technology/Universita' Ca' Foscari/CISRE" e Stati Generali Innovazione" WISTER (Women for Intelligent and Smart Territories, in collaborazione con Smart City Exhibition e con futuro@lfemminile il progetto di responsabilità sociale per le donne promosso da Microsoft e Asus