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Thomas Ambrosi

Thomas Ambrosi

Thomas Ambrosi (born 26 February 1972), Italian entrepreneur and inventor, he threw his mind, his heart and his vision in the modern Agritech industry, funding ONO Exponential Farming, a disrupting start-up inspired by the automated vertical warehouses.

ONO EF was initially developed by Tor.Mec Ambrosi S.r.l, a company of precision engineering that brought its mechatronic contribution to ONO Exponential Farming, where Ambrosi is currently the President and CEO.

During his career he has founded multiple company branches, all reunited under the domain of Tor.Mec Ambrosi Group. Among the many, his latest adventures began in 2017 with ONO Exponential Farming and Ono Lean Logistics, where he holds the position of Head Operations. Moreover, while also being the Head of Technology of Sip-Italy Sewing since 2014 (the company creates solutions for a Green Jeans 4.0 Factory), he was the President of ITaste S.r.l for 6 years (2012-2016), experience that let him growing his knowledge and understanding in the F&B field. Previously, in 2008, he also founded Alukeep, a company providing modular fixturing systems with a single 3D joint, his first patent, where he took the title of Head of Products, a charge that he still covers nowadays.

His first main step was taken in 1997 with the aforementioned Tor.Mec Ambrosi S.r.l, founded in Verona, Veneto (Italy) by Thomas’ father, which was placed 390th in the Financial Times FT1000 ranking for the fastest growing companies in the world between 2014 and 2017. This long-lasting relationship made Thomas not only the CEO of the company, but also the Sales Manager of mechanical parts production branch and one of his internal Developer, a position that sees him personally involved in the creation and realization of the many innovative projects. AWARDS AND ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Among his life success, Thomas was also acknowledged with the 11th edition of the award “Premio Verona Giovani” in 2019, whose focus was placed on sustainability as a balance between economic, social and environmental priorities. Back in the days, as a student, he was student in Mechanics and Robotics at Politecnico di Milano (1993-1997), and Materials Engineering while attending Università degli Studi di Trento (1991-1993). Not only, recognizing the power of education, Thomas decided recently (2014 – 2016) to challenge himself once more by taking a Master of Business Administration at Fondazione Cuoa (Centro Universitario di Organizzazione Aziendale).

Thomas is married and has two childs, Sara and Filippo, his source of joy and inspiration for his projects like happened for ONO Exponential Farming, and vision for the future. When he has some free time, he loves cooking, reading and sharing time with friends.

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Staffetta di innovazione

Roma, 11 Luglio, 2020 | 09:00

100 eventi digitali che ospitano più di 300 relatori in sei giorni per una delle Manifestazioni più grandi nel panorama italiano in questa estate così diversa dalle altre. For a smart nation non è solo il claim dell’appuntamento di quest’anno, sono le lenti con cui leggiamo la realtà che ci circonda, fatta anche di social network, innovazione digitale e ritorno alla terra in chiave tech. Lo sanno bene i più giovani collaboratori di FPA, che imparano a conoscere giorno per giorno la pubblica amministrazione italiana e le sue enormi potenzialità.

Per questo motivo, la Manifestazione ForumPA2020 dedica uno dei suoi momenti cruciali, il momento della sintesi e dell’analisi delle lezioni apprese dai cinque giorni precedenti, alla lettura critica da parte di chi si appresta a plasmare il futuro di questo Paese: i giovani. Quattro rubriche in diretta streaming, organizzate in staffetta su un canale unico digitale, per discutere dei temi più caldi e delicati della trasformazione digitale resiliente: dalla Strategia Italia 2025 a cura del Ministro Paola Pisano, al futuro dell’agricoltura passando per sofisticati sistemi tech; dal gap generazionale nell’utilizzo di servizi digitali e la necessità di un vero empowerment delle competenze anche per la terza età, alla completa trasformazione della cultura che passa oggi dalle App.

La staffetta di innovazione sociale costituirà un momento per approfondire insieme alcuni dei temi e delle testimonianze che hanno costituito ForumPA2020, con il supporto di alcuni veri innovatori che, attraverso le loro esperienze, ci aiuteranno a comprendere che possiamo davvero contribuire a costruire una smart nation, basata sulla fiducia sulle nuove leve e il rispetto dell’esperienza maturata in 30 anni di innovazione.