Le persone che hanno partecipato

Eduardo Moreira da Costa

Eduardo Moreira da Costa

Dr. Eduardo Moreira da Costa is part-time professor of innovation at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and at the Catholic University in Rio, and founder of 2000ideias, an international consulting company on all aspects of innovation, with offices in Rio and in Florianópolis. Author of Global E-commerce Strategies for Small Businesses (MIT Press, 2001), published in English, Chinese and Japanese. (2001, 2003). Dr. Costa developed and organized the first MBA on e-government in Brazil. Dr. Costa consults regularly for the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank on Innovation. In the US, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard University from 1997-2002. In Brazil, Dr. Costa was Innovation Director of FINEP (2007-2010), where he created innovative funding mechanisms for SMEs, and Director of CNPq (1993-1997), where he launched the first program for software export in the country  - SOFTEX – that helped to transform the software industry into a multi-billion dollar business for the country. Dr. Costa got his Ph.D. degree from the University of Southampton in the UK. He was enacted into the country´s Technological and Scientific  Merit Order in 2010. Dr. Costa also sits at the Board of three companies (ALGAR, SENIOR Sistemas and  HOPLON), and is a well-known lecturer in Brazil and abroad on the subjects of Innovation, Smart Cities, Entrepreneurship, Venture capital and e-government.

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Co-creare soluzioni smart

Palazzo dei Congressi EUR | Roma, 29 Maggio, 2013 | 14:30

La visione delle Human Smart Cities si fonda sull’innovazione sociale e tecnologica che pone al centro il cittadino, basandosi su metodologie quali la Progettazione Partecipata, l’Open Innovation, i Living Labs e il Design Thinking. Tutti questi approcci pongono l’utente finale al centro dei processi d’innovazione, portando a soluzioni più adeguate, che incontrano più efficacemente i bisogni delle persone e in aggiunta, risultano di più veloce adozione.
Miscelando innovazione tecnologica con quella sociale, le applicazioni del c.d. “Internet del Futuro” possono diventare la piattaforma di sviluppo di nuovi e più sostenibili stili di vita e di lavoro, in aree come la salute, la mobilità e l’efficienza energetica.
Questa sessione inizia analizzando alcune delle metodologie chiave per uno “Human Centric Design”, a cui fanno seguito due tavole rotonde: la prima esplora il potenziale dell’innovazione sociale per la ricerca e il campo applicativo, la seconda esamina il loro impatto in termini di sviluppo sostenibile del territorio.

Questa sessione è parte della PERIPHÈRIA FINAL CONFERENCE “Human Smart Cities: from Vision to Practice” e rappresenta un’anteprima di alcuni temi che saranno affrontati durante l’edizione 2013 di Smart City Exhibition, Bologna, 16-18 ottobre

Peripheria è un progetto di 30 mesi finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell'ambito del Programma ICT PSP.

PERIPHÈRIA è promosso da un consorzio guidato da ALFAMICRO (PT) e composto da 12 partner provenienti da 5 Stati membri dell'UE.


english_ico2.gifHere you can find the English version of the programme.

The Human Smart Cities vision is rooted in citizen-centric technological and social innovation, based on methods such as Participatory Design, Open Innovation, Living Labs, and Design Thinking. By blending technological with social innovation, Future Internet technologies can thus become the platform for the development of new and more sustainable ways of living and working in areas such as health, transport, and energy efficiency.

This session looks at some of the key methods for human-centric design. The following round tables explore the research and application potentials for social innovation; and examine their impact on sustainable territorial development.

This session is part of the PERIPHÈRIA FINAL CONFERENCE “Human Smart Cities: from Vision to Practice” and anticipates some themes that will be discussed during the Smart City Exhibition 2013 (Bologna, 16-18 October).

If you need the registration procedure to the exhibition in English, please send an e-mail to info@forumpa.it containing: name, surname and e-mail address of the person you want receive the e-ticket