Le persone che hanno partecipato

Andrew Watson

Andrew Watson

Dr. Andrew Rose Watson is a native of Pittsburgh. He is a fourth generation surgeon and the seventh in his family. He attended Trinity College and subsequently received his Masters degree at the University of Oxford. His thesis studied 17th Century English baroque architecture. He attended medical school at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and was elected class president all four years. He returned to UPMC for his surgical training and completed a minimally invasive surgical fellowship. He is an actively practicing surgeon in the division of colorectal surgery and specializes in minimally invasive colorectal and inflammatory bowel disease surgery.

Dr. Watson spent two years working with the American Board of Surgery and the Department of Surgery at UPMC developing a national platform and curriculum for surgical education. He served as an associate-residency program director for three years and has received numerous teaching awards.

Dr. Watson focuses the majority time on corporate health care at UPMC, a $9.5B integrated global delivery network in Pittsburgh. He is a Vice President of the International and Commercial Service Division. He helps to lead industrial relations for UPMC and plays a key role integrating health care information technology into clinical practice. He joined IT management of UPMC in 2010. He practices 30% of his clinical care using telemedicine and plays a lead role in establishing telemedicine for UPMC at an enterprise level. He led a 14-month program to develop an enterprise business plan and also a one-year process to submit a $38m broadband technology opportunity grant as part of the 2009 stimulus funding. He is the Executive Director for Business Development and Technology for Telemedicine.

He is the Medical Director of the Center for Connected Medicine, a thought leadership center showcasing the future of health care and health care information technology strategies. This is an executive briefing center located in UPMC’s executive headquarters in Pittsburgh that is a joint venture between founding partners UPMC, IBM, GE, ALU and Verizon and eight strategic partners representing global leaders in health care. Dr. Watson has hosted over 600 tours for over 8,000 people from around the world discussing the transformation of health care and the creation of a connected medicine strategy.

Dr. Watson continues to speak at a global level about telemedicine, mobility, and the impact of connected medicine in transforming health care.

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Ha partecipato a:

L’innovazione per la sostenibilità del sistema sanitario e il benessere dei cittadini

Palazzo dei Congressi EUR | Roma, 29 Maggio, 2013 | 14:00

La crisi economica e la conseguente esigenza di contenimento della spesa pubblica determina, in tutti i paesi della Comunità Europea, una sempre maggiore attenzione al rapporto tra costi e benefici derivanti da un investimento pubblico, invocando dalla politica una sempre maggiore responsabilità nell’uso del denaro dei cittadini.

Nella sanità questo fenomeno è ancora più accentuato perché i sistemi sanitari rappresentano una delle voci più importanti del bilancio pubblico.

L'innovazione tecnologica pensiamo che rappresenti una delle poche risposte possibili per superare il contrasto tra le esigenze di contenimento di costi e le crescenti richieste di servizi sanitari, universalmente accessibili e di qualità, senza dover mettere in discussione lo stesso modello di welfare applicato.

Questa Conferenza internazionale, dando voce a tutti gli attori sul tema e-health mira a dimostrare come attraverso le politiche europee e nazionali (Agenda Digitale) che promuovono l'introduzione del digitale in Sanità e gli investimenti in innovazione saremo in grado di avere un miglioramento della qualità dei servizi, un diffuso benessere e una riduzione dei costi globali. Questa dimostrazione sarà rafforzata con la presentazione di dati comparativi raccolti da HIMSS sull’applicazione dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sanità in Italia, in Europa, nel resto del mondo.

UE members are now dealing with a significant crisis that takes into question the welfare model applied in these countries.

Crisis draws more and more attention to the relationship between costs and benefits when deciding on an investment and politicians have to be responsible for utilizing public resources.

As in Europe, the e-Healthcare sector represents one of the most important items of the public balance sheet, there are always increasing requests to reduce the corresponding costs.

It seems that technical innovation can at the same time reach two opposite different goals :costs reduction and improvement of services rendered.

The e-Health International Conference seeks to show that European and National policies will promote the introduction of IT services in the healthcare sector and that investments in innovation can produce an improvement of quality in services as well as a reduction of global costs.